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Hillsboro Memorial Gardens
Must sell now to close out Probate. Current value as per Hillsboroug Memorial $14,995.00 if they had it to sell. The Inside Chapel has been Sold Out for 15 years at that level. The Company is not allowed to sell other peoples Crypts only what they have in stock. The court must approve the
sale after April 12,2012 then it takes 10 days for objections from any creditors if sold for less that stated value.
This is an investment you can use or resell later the market for this quality interior Crypt will only go up over the years.
Inside the "Chapel of Palms" is the most desireable resting place in the Tampa Bay area. As you enter the Air Conditioned and Heated Chapel look to the left and then to the top Tier or as we call it "The Penthouse". You in addition to the name on the wall may have a table flower Memorial. Very comfortable furniture is in the Chapel for you to make your visit enjoyable. The Cemetery will handel the transfer which we will pay for. We purchased this pre construction and at that time were staying in Brandon forever. Last year we moved to Jacksonville to be closer to the grandchildren. If you are planning to stay in the area this would make a wonderful place for your spouse and relatives to to visit any time of year without having to worry about the weather. You may also use the Chapel for your final service. Section CC, Level 8, Spaces 8D.